Progress report 3
Progress report no. 3
Annex 1: Implementation of action C.1
Annex 2: Implementation of action C.1 (Impatiens), C.2 and C.3
Annex 3: List of herbs species
Annex 4: Implementation of action D.1, F.4
Annex 5: Control, experiments
Annex 6: Experimental plots - Assessment
Annex 7: List of instructional tours
Annex 8: Conference programme
Annex 9: Overview of project activities monitoring

Monitoring of the impact of project activities - action F.4
The aim of this action is to monitor the environmental impact of Roundup Biaktiv application. The monitoring focuses on changes in the biota but soil and water burden is monitored, too.
More information on the monitoring of the impact of project activities you can find in the following document:
Monitoring of the impact of project activities
Results of monitoring of the project activities impact:
Results of water and soil monitoring - 2007
Biomonitoring 2007 – conclusions and recommendations
Biomonitoring 2008 - conclusions and recommendations

Progress report no. 2
Progress report 2 (.doc)
annex1: implementation of actions C1 C3 (.jpg)
annex2: list of instructional tours (.doc)
annex3: list of PR activities (.doc)
annex4: view of results of monitoring of the impact of project activities (.doc)
annex5: photographic documentation (.doc)

Progress report no. 1
Progress report (.doc)
annex1 - Implementation of actions C1,C2 (.jpg)
annex1a - Implementation of actions C1,C2 (.jpg)
annex1b - Implementation of actions C1,C2 (.jpg)
annex2 - Implementation of actions D1,F4 (.jpg)
annex3 - Table of experimental plots (.doc)
annex4 - Information leaflet (.pdf)
annex5 - Outdoor information panel (.doc)
annex6 - The information panels location (.pdf)