» ZO ČSOP 76/13 Salamandr,
is an independent professional nonprofit organization established in 2000 whose objective is to take care of the natural and cultural heritage of the Beskydy mountains.
» Lesy České republiky, s. p.,
a state enterprise established in 1992 by the Ministry of Agriculture of CR; it manages more than 1.3 mil. ha of wood property owned by the state and provides care for almost 20,000 km of watercourses.
» Povodí Odry, státní podnik,
a state enterprise established in 2001 via transformation from a joint-stock company. The history of the enterprise reaches back to the 1960’s as it originated as a daughter plant of the professional organization, Headquarters of Watercourse Management Prague in 1966. The enterprise deals mainly with the management of important and other selected waterways and water reservoirs of drinking and utility water. It provides the necessary care for riverbeds and streambeds and adjacent vegetation. It also evaluates and monitors subterranean water in the Odra river basin, operates and maintains waterworks in the assigned riverbeds and streambeds and creates conditions enabling proper, justified water management. It co-operates with other Odra river basin waterways‘ administrators in solving problems related to the whole river basin, as well as in the management of disasters related to watercourses. |
» Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny České republiky,
an agency established by the government dealing with nature preservation and landscape protection. It consists of the headquarters and 37 regional offices: 24 PLA administration offices and 13 regional centres. AOPK CR is a professional state institution providing methodological, documentary, informatory, educational, scientific, research and counselling activities related to nature preservation and landscape protection.
» Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s.
a leading beer brewer of central Europe, the biggest Czech exporter of beer. The company is part of the global beer brewer group SABMiller and it operates based on the strictest international standards which cover, among other things, a responsible attitude toward the environment.
(c) 2007 ZLSPM, financováno z Evropské unie programem LIFE-Nature